Saturday, November 14, 2009

The lonely mushroom?

I sat under a tree...

it was green..and big.

The mushroom grew...

and it kept growing..

'why r u growing' I asked the mushroom..

'because I want to be free' it responded..

I climbed up the mushroom and sat untop of its umbrella shaped structure.

Now I was up here.. and the trees were.....down there.

My fingers were dirty.. from all the mudd and the dirt

my hair was all messy from the sweat and worms in the dirt

now im eating the dirt because im starving on this mushroom

you make call me..

the mushroom lady..

(i know, my poems have tht effect on many, I'll give u a tissue.., yes I know, powerful right?.. so much MEANING.. so much..contained in this poem right? I know EXACTLY what you mean.. yes, thank you... thank you)

The lonely mushroom?
Wow, it has an effect on me!!! I'm hallucinating! Do a poem about pills, too, will ya?

leather boots

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