Monday, November 16, 2009

Is there a terrorist under your bed and behind the trees?

Because it seems to me people are living in fear, and even cling to some sort of invasion. What don't they know about our war-machine, and power? Some will say that Binladdin hit us without a 460 billion dollar war machine, but in reality he caught us sleeping and gave us a black-eye. Not to make light of 9/11 but Binladdin is dead and the Middle East has paid a heavy toll for being Muslim like him. Who says he's dead I DO, with an ego like his don't you think he would have starred on Allah-jazira with TODAYS paper a drink w/ umbrella, a couple of american porn stars and a cool smile. Oh you say he could be hiding real well, well then lets let him poke his head back up and sick our 460 billion $ war-machine back on him, maybe will get some ball-park coordinance. Or do you sheeple think were closing in on his GHOST.

Is there a terrorist under your bed and behind the trees?
Not afraid of terrorism.

Our 460 billion dollar war machine is making us broke. Now that scares me. We don't tax for it, we just print more money which devalues our dollar.
Reply:No. I just checked.

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